Thursday, September 19, 2013

I want to be a Barbie doll


Author: Anonymous  

We live in a world where the scale is our worst enemy and food is to be avoided at all costs. Teenage girls and boys are both influenced by the media. From thigh gaps to six-packs, it's a big problem under teens and tweens. With weight problems starting as early as age 6. Is this subject being focused on enough? Most of the looks that are sought after are next to impossible to achieve. Girls are posting pictures on Tumblr and Instagram with hashtags such as : #thighgapproject (Thigh Gap Project) and #iamsofat (I am so fat).
We are becoming obsessed with our image. Everyday millions of people all over the world drop the "S" bomb. Skinny. According to Google the definition of skinny is :" of a person or part of their body) very thin.

thin, scrawny, scraggy, bony, angular, rawboned, hollow-cheeked,gaunt, as thin as a rake, skin-and-bones, stick-like, emaciated, skeletal, pinched, undernourished, underfed
The question that comes to mind is : Why do you want to be defined as these things? The word mentioned are seen as bad, but when they are put under the word Skinny society sees it as acceptable. The article talks about a young 13 year old named Mary Streech that developed an eating disorder in seventh grade. Only 4 years later she decided to go for treatment, only to discover that she was one of the oldest patients at the center! Leaving treatment Miss Streech found multiple non-profit organizations and websites that promote a positive body image. Another question is : Where is this coming from?. Teenage girls search for rapid weight loss tips on the internet daily. And people also post comments on Twitter about their own bodies, expecting only a select group of people are seeing the post. They are wrong. It is there for the entire world to see. A question the author asks is : Where do you draw the line?

The NEDA is working with multiple social networks and websites to try and stop the frenzy. Yet, this is not stopping people. 17 year old Alice Wilder

The NEDA is working with multiple social networks and websites to try and stop the frenzy. Yet, this is not stopping people. 17 year old Alice Wilder said. "It's OK to like yourself. That's actually really brave, if you're a teen girl." This is a motto to live by as a girl, because it is very true. Why has society made it an issue to like yourself? Why is it bad to think you are beautiful? Miss Wilder works closely with SPARK, a group dedicated to empowering teen girls. We live in a society where girls and boys flip through magazines and wish they looked like the models. Times have changed dramatically, going back in time women were encouraged to gain weight! Marilyn Monroe is famous for being one of the most beautiful women of all time, and she did not have a gap between her thighs. What changed?

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